Tips for Using Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water Symbols

Updated November 1, 2018
Lightning watcher

Earth, wind, fire, and water symbols represent the key elements in the Native American culture and other western schools of thought. In feng shui, there are five elements that include water, wood, earth, fire, and metal. However, you can incorporate the elements of earth, fire, wind, and water into feng shui design.

Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water Symbols

As you can see, wind is not considered to be one of the five elements in Feng Shui; that's because the chi energy moves with the air. Like the air, chi energy is everywhere and in everything.

Tips for Earth Symbols

In feng shui Form and Compass schools of principles, the earth is an important symbol. The physical shape of the symbol is not nearly as important as the actual material of the form. Chinese masters believe that the only two metals that can activate the earth energy are copper and brass. That doesn't mean you must only use these two metals when seeking symbols.

Bring Earth Energy Into Your Life

The earth rules business, agriculture, and homes. You can use several earth elements as symbols to support this energy in your living and work spaces.

Using Earth Symbols in Feng Shui

Use earth symbols in feng shui applications to help restore a balance and stability to your home.

  • If there have been recent upsets, discord and arguments, the adding of earth elements in appropriate areas of your home can help to correct the imbalance in earth energy.
  • Don't arbitrarily add earth symbols in an attempt to activate earth energy unless you're certain this is the problem area of chi imbalance.
  • Adding too much earth energy into any environment can have the opposite effect and make matters worse. That's why it's always wise to consult a professional feng shui practitioner.

Bring the Energy of Wind Symbols Into Your Life

The wind is symbolic if how the chi energy moves. If air is blocked and cannot move, it becomes stagnant. The same is true for chi energy when blocked by clutter in the home or an unkempt yard.

Tips for Creating Wind Energy

The goal of feng shui is to ensure chi energy flows freely and is able to move uninhibited throughout your home. Chi energy exists in all things compose of yang (male) and yin (female) energies. The aim is to keep the two opposite energies balanced. You can still use a symbol that represents the wind and incorporate it into feng shui cures.

  • Hang wind chimes to eliminate sha chi.
  • Use whirly gigs.
  • Place fans to facilitate movement of air.
  • Include sailboat paintings or models to represent wind and air energy.
  • Decorate with airplane paintings or models.

Fire Symbols in Feng Shui Design

In the feng shui cycles, wood energy fuels fire, and fire burns wood, leaving only ash, which becomes earth. Earth then creates metal and metal attracts water. Water nurtures wood and wood feeds fire and the cycle begins again and continues.

Bringing in the Fire Element

Fire resides in the south and represents fame and fortune. Use symbols that portray these elements when applying feng shui principles to your home.

  • Burn candles.
  • Include artwork with sun motifs.
  • Place statues or images of the phoenix.
  • Display trophies, awards, and other forms of achievement and recognition.

Water Element Symbols in Feng Shui Design

Water element symbols can be very powerful and increase wealth. Water feeds wood, so you want to be careful not to have too many plants or wood in this sector of your home. North is the direction of water.

  • Add water fountains.
  • Keep fish and aquariums.
  • Frog and sea creature statues or paintings are also good depictions of waters.
  • Display boats and related items.

Helpful Tips for the Water Element

There is, as with all elements, a warning not to overuse. When it comes to water symbols, there are some hard fast rules.

  • Never place a water symbol in a bedroom. The chi energy that water draws to it is too unsettling for a bedroom.
  • Never place a water fountain or water feature with the water flowing away from your home. This will cause your money and good fortune to flow away from you.
  • When using a photo, picture, or painting of water, avoid depictions of turbulent water like a fierce storm at sea. Pictures of rivers should flow into the room, not away from it.

Elements and Symbols

It's easy to understand that earth, wind, fire, and water symbols and elements can enhance your life when you use feng shui to guide you.

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Tips for Using Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water Symbols