You can use feng shui to design your children's bedrooms. Color, texture, furniture choices and lighting play vital roles in creating the best yin energy for your child's bedroom.
Using Feng Shui for Children's Bedrooms
A child's bedroom design should follow basic feng shui bedroom rules. Besides the main design considerations, you can use a few feng shui symbols to invite auspicious chi energy. Select one or two. Don't go overboard, since you can easily create clutter.
Good Feng Shui Colors for Children's Bedrooms
You can start with color selection(s) for your children's bedrooms. Depending on the age of each child, you can select or let them choose the color they want. Children tend to have more energy than adults and this abundance of yang energy can make it difficult to get them to settle down at night.
Yin Bedroom Colors
By design, feng shui bedrooms have more yin energy than yang. This imbalance of chi energy allows for a restive environment. The colors green, blue and yellow are all soothing and restive yin colors.
Use Sector Colors
A good way to decide on the appropriate color for a child's bedroom is to use the compass sector as a guide. Each sector has assigned colors that can be excellent choices. You'll want to choose the lighter softer colors of the hue. For example, an east or southeast bedroom assigned color is green. You would select a soft restive value of the green instead of a bright vibrant one.
Feng Shui Bedroom Design by Age
As your children grow up, their tastes and likes will change. This natural age progression can be supported by your child's bedroom design. A few feng shui tips for decorating by age can guide you with décor decisions.
Children's Nursery
The goal of a child's nursery is to design a harmonious décor. Choose a soft restive color palette to soothe and calm your baby.
- Avoid dramatic and contrasted designs and patterns.
- Steer clear of intense vivid bright colors that overstimulate.
- Choose solid pieces of furniture, such as wood or upholstered.

Toddler's Bedroom
Toddlers are highly active and need a calming bedroom design. It's especially important their bedroom be inviting.
- You can choose a lush green and light brown color scheme of nature to aid in slowing down and preparing for slumber.
- Spacious light blue or taupe with equally soft whites are an ideal color combination.
- Select furniture sized for a child to create a more harmonious bedroom design.
Pre-Teen Bedroom
Any décor item that stimulates or excites your child needs to be moved to a homework area or play room. As your child grows closer to puberty, they will retreat more to their own space - their bedroom.
- Ensure that the décor remains nurturing and comforting.
- The best yin color options remain as soft pale yellows, blues or greens contrasted with light tans and browns.
- Allow your child to express their sense of style and taste while maintaining feng shui principles.
Teenage Bedroom
The teenage stage of your child's development can be a confusing time for your child as she/he emerges as her or his own person. Children entering puberty often experience a range of emotions that can be unsettling. Feng shui can assist your teenager ease into this new stage of growth. The right feng shui bedroom décor lessens the discomfort of heightened emotions and other senses.
- Avoid water colors black and dark blue. These colors attract energized yang chi and aren't restive.
- The fire element color red is also inauspicious for a teen's bedroom.
- Add light and dark values of white for gentle contrasting and interest.
- Replace juvenile furnishing with more mature ones.
- Choose a wood bed or upholstered headboard for solid support.
- Avoid metal beds since metal attracts water element and ups the yang energy level.
College Dorms
Don't stop guiding your child's feng shui bedroom design just because of college. The dorm room isn't the best feng shui bedroom since your child eats, sleeps and studies in this one space.
- Use a folding screen to separate the study area when it's time to sleep.
- A ceiling suspended canopy can also isolate the bed during sleep time.
- Don't use the area underneath the bed for storage.
Bunk Bed Feng Shui Challenge
Bunk beds aren't an ideal feng shui furniture choice but may be necessary for space considerations. The top bunk is held up in the air with no solid support underneath, save the bed frame. A bottom bunk chi energy is oppressed by the top bunk. The top and bottom bunk require feng shui remedies to free the chi energy and provide auspicious energy support while sleeping. These include:
- Choose very sturdy and solidly built bunk beds. Never use ones that are rickety or sway under movement.
- Bunk beds should have headboards to provide a sense of support, especially for the top bunk.
- Place bunk beds securely against a solid wall. Never set a bunk bed in front of a window or door.
- Never place bunk beds floating in the middle of the bedroom.

Bunk Beds and Chi Energy
Bunk beds often feature an open frame for the mattress. This leaves the bottom bunk exposed to the underside of the top mattress, that the bunkmate below sees every night. This adds to the closed in feeling created by oppressed chi energy.
Lift the Chi Energy
You can lift the chi energy by placing a light-colored painted board or a light solid colored sheet/fabric underneath the top bunk mattress. This will provide the bottom bunk dweller a light uplifting color instead of the oppressive bunk mattress. You can string mini-lights along the upper part of the lower bunk to attract the chi energy upwards.
Toy Boxes
A toy box in the child's bedroom can create clutter. Toys are typically tossed randomly into the toy box and the lid closed. This is the equivalent of a cluttered and disorganized closet.
- Use different sizes of containers, boxes or bags to organize toys inside the toy box.
- Place the toy box away from the bed since it generates the same yang energy that exercise equipment does for an adult.
- If feasible, move the toy box from your child's bedroom to a play room or other area in the house.
Display Shelves
Open display shelves create poison arrows. It's best to have bookcases with doors. Glass doors are a good way to display without creating poison arrows. If you choose to use open shelves, make sure the edges don't create poison arrows. A few remedies include:
- Select shelving that has rounded corners.
- Align books flush with the edge of the shelf.
- Cover shelf with a mantel scarf that extends over the edges.

Wall Art, Posters, and Murals
Kids often want to decorate their bedrooms with dramatic art, posters or murals. While this is a great way for your child to express creative energies, some choices are feng shui inappropriate for the bedroom and should be remanded to a game or play room. These include:
- Avoid representations of vicious animals, such as an attacking tiger or a bear reared up with claws pawing the air.
- Depictions of war, explosions or disasters create inauspicious chi energy that will result in restless sleep.
- Powerful and turbulent ocean scenes have a negative feng shui impact.
Window Treatments
Window treatments are important for creating the right feng shui energy. Infants and toddlers sleep during daylight hours and require the right lighting conditions for optimum sleep.
- Draperies or curtains should blot out all light to create a yin environment for sound sleep.
- Blinds are a great way to direct, redirect or blot out light.
- Choose fabric textures, colors and patterns that aren't too bold and don't oppress chi energy.
Choose the Right Feng Shui Bedding
Just as important as the colors, furniture placement and décor details, bedding plays a major role in the quality of your child's sleep. Select soft bedding and the appropriate seasonal weight of the fabrics. Busy patterns and bold colors generate yang energy and can result in a poor quality of sleep.
Stuffed Animals and Plush Toys
Most kids love stuffed animals and other plush toys. Too much of anything creates an imbalance in chi energy and clutter. A few stuffed toys in a bedroom won't upset yin and yang energy. However, if your child's bed is obscured by a mound of plush animals, it's time to cull and move most of these toys to the playroom.
Lighting Solutions
You want to provide your child with different types of lighting in their bedroom. A glaring overhead light sends too much yang energy into a room designed for rest. Layered lighting keeps the yang energy from becoming over powering.
- Place the overhead light on a dimmer switch.
- Use three-way table lamps for nightstands.
- Install a few recessed ceiling lights for a subtle lighting option.
- Add a pair of wall sconces with up and/or down lighting on either side of the bed.

Study Areas Separate From Bedrooms
It's best to keep the study area separate from the bedroom. Many parents place a desk in their child's bedroom. While this may seem like a good idea, the desk generates active yang energy. If you have no alternative for the desk location, you can try a few things to lessen the yang energy.
- Place a folding screen to create a faux wall to shield the bed from the desk/work area.
- Hang a multi-faceted crystal between the desk and bed to disperse chi energy.
- A bed canopy with curtains that can be drawn when sleeping will block the yang energy surrounding the desk area.
Avoid All Electronic Devices
In a modern world, it is impossible to avoid electronic devices. The ideal is to limit your child's use of electronic devices to the living room, study area and/or play room. TVs and other electronic devices in a bedroom interfere with chi energy and sleep.
Feng Shui for Designing Children's Bedrooms
The design of children's bedrooms can benefit by using feng shui principles. Feng shui offers many solutions and remedies for a child's bedroom.