Are Owls Good Luck?

Small owl statues

To answer the question are owls good luck, requires understanding owls are a powerful totem in many cultures and has a role in feng shui. But you should be cautious in your placement of this yang energy in order to respect the particular attributes of owl feng shui and harness its strong chi energy to your wellbeing.

Owl Qualities Throughout Mythology

In Greek mythology, Athena is the goddess of war and wisdom. She's depicted in owl form and an owl is both her familiar and the force that helps her to see the whole truth. This role of the protector and wise counsellor is assigned to the owl throughout Indo-European culture, but the ancient Chinese view of the owl is more nuanced.

Chinese Owl Culture

The owl was a totemic animal, central to the creation myths in the Shang dynasty (circa 1300-1046 BCE) and ubiquitous in sacred art recovered from sites dating back to Neolithic peoples, as early as 5500 BCE. Ancient sculptures and legends conflated the owl (māo tóu yīng) with the dragon and the phoenix -- a number of well-preserved clay, stone, and metal figures merge the attributes of the immortal phoenix with the fierce all-seeing owl.

Legacy of Legends

Owl qualities in Asia, as in classical Mediterranean cultures, emphasized wisdom, intuition (seeing in the dark), and the shield of protection. A less enlightened view credited owls with dark magic, based on their nocturnal habits and ability to hunt at night. So, you can use owls for luck and amplifying certain desirable qualities in feng shui. Always position them carefully to discourage any negative chi.

Auspicious Chi

The owl's twin strengths of safeguarding and sagacity shield against misfortune and physical threats, attract wise mentors, and stimulate visionary clear thinking.


In the Home or Office

In your home or office, an owl figure enhances good energy in the career, education/knowledge, and children/creativity areas.

  • A parliament of owls ranged across the mantel pay tribute to the high regard for intellectual pursuits in your home.
  • A portrait of an owl in the fame/reputation or helpful people/travel area of your conference room may influence deals and negotiations to go in your favor.

Exterior Owl Placement

The exterior feng shui owl is in protection mode, alert around the clock to discourage ill-will or misfortune from your property.

  • Outside a home or office, take care to place a decorative owl sculpture or a pigeon-hater owl (a resin or plastic lifelike owl designed to scare away pests) facing away from the house or front door/main entrance.
  • Use an owl placed to confront a busy street when the traffic flow is perpendicular to your home. The onrushing traffic creates a poison arrow that could lead to loss of health or prosperity. The presence of the owl deflects the poison arrow energy, clearing the way for only good energy - positive chi - to reach the entry of your home.

Is Seeing an Owl Good Luck?

Based on mythology, seeing an owl can be either good luck or bad luck depending on the circumstances. If you see an owl, it could also be an invitation to rely on your own inner wisdom.

Friendly and Fierce

A bulbous little owl figure with wide oversize eyes is as cute as a toy or a cartoon character. More realistic sculptures, with fearsome beaks and talons, are menacing raptor omens. If you are drawn to owls, go ahead and surround yourself with them. Just park your perky or predatory birds in the best positions to magnetize and direct helpful chi into every corner of your life.

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Are Owls Good Luck?