Lucky feng shui directions can give you an advantage over circumstances for your wealth, love, health, and personal growth. Your lucky feng shui directions offer auspicious chi energies to enhance and enrich specific life areas.
Easy Way to Find Your Lucky Feng Shui Directions
You can find your lucky feng shui directions by calculating your Kua number. In feng shui, this number reveals your four good luck directions and four bad luck directions.
Kua Numbers and Your Four Auspicious Lucky Directions
The Kua numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Each Kua number falls into one of two groups of directions, the West Group or East Group. Once you know your Kua number, you can find the matching group to discover your four lucky directions.
Chart for Finding Your Four Lucky Feng Shui Directions
You can use the charts below to determine your four lucky feng shui directions. To reap the powerful energy of your lucky directions, try to match your activity with the direction governing the kind of good luck you need.
Kua 1, 3, 4, and 9 of East Group Auspicious Directions Chart
The East Group four directions are South (S), North (N), Southeast (SE), and East (E). Each number in the East Group will have different feng shui luck for each of these four directions. You can find your Kua number in the chart below to discover your four good luck direction.
Kua # |
Wealth |
Love (Nien Yen) |
Health (Tien Yi) |
Personal Growth (Fu Wei) |
1 | SE | S | E | N |
3 | S | SE | N | E |
4 | N | E | S | SE |
9 | E | N | SE | S |
Kua 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 West Group Auspicious Directions
The West Group four directions are West (W), Southwest (SW), Northwest (NW), and Northeast (NE). Each number in the West Group has a different feng shui luck for each of these four directions. You can find your Kua number in the chart below to discover your four good luck direction.
Kua # | Wealth (Sheng Chi) |
Love (Nien Yen) |
Health (Tien Yi) |
Personal Growth (Fu Wei) |
2 | NE | NW | W | SW |
5 Male |
NE | NW | W | SW |
5 Female |
SW | W | NW | NE |
6 | W | SW | NE | NW |
7 | NW | NE | SW | W |
8 | SW | W | NW | NE |
Facing a Lucky Direction for Activities
You can use your lucky directions by facing one of them when you eat, sleep, play, or work. When you know your best directions, it's easy to become mindful of facing one.
Examples of Facing Your Lucky Directions
The auspicious chi energy of your good luck direction reinforces your personal energy. A few examples can get you started thinking about placing yourself in a strategic feng shui position during certain events or meetings.
Shen Chi (Wealth) Good Luck Direction
When going into a sales meeting, you can sit facing your shen chi (wealth) direction. This direction will imbue you with vibrant energy to invigorate your sales pitch and help you to close the sale to bring wealth luck to you.
Nien Yen (Love) Good Luck Direction
If you want to infuse a little love energy into your relationship, plan an evening meal facing or sitting in your nien yen direction. If you're meeting a date for the first time, plan to to sit facing your nien yen energy to give you that boost of self-confidence.

Tien Yi (Health) Good Luck Direction
You can eat your meals facing your tien yi direction to imbue all those good auspicious chi energies. If you are having health issues, when you go to your physician, you can sit in this direction to receive answers to your problems. You can sleep with your head pointed in your tien yi direction for optimun restive energies.
Fu Wie (Personal Growth) Good Luck Direction
If you're meditating, sit facing your fu wie direction to draw in the good auspicious chi. If you're attending classes, try to find a seat that allows you to sit facing your personal growth direction.
Four Bad Luck Directions
Following the true yin yang balance, there are also four bad luck directions. If you must face one of your bad luck directions, don't panic. Facing a bad luck direction isn't going to ruin your life. It just means you aren't going to get that added auspicious energy that you do from your good luck directions. You may find things more difficult or you may have some side effects, such as a low energy level that you can counter with feng shui cures.
Advantageous to Find Your Lucky Feng Shui Directions
It is advantageous to find your lucky feng shui directions. When you know the best directions to face or to place your office or bedroom, you can enjoy the good luck these auspicious energies provide.