Meaning of the Laughing Buddha Statue in Feng Shui

Laughing Buddha

The laughing Buddha depicted in the laughing buddha statue used in feng shui applications isn't really the Buddha. It's believed that the character is a well-known monk from the Liang Dynasty (502-557). The proper name for this statue is Hotei. This happy, big-bellied monk is a symbol of good luck and fortune and used as an auspicious symbol in feng shui.

Meanings of Laughing Buddha Statues

The Zen monk known as the Laughing Buddha is often claimed to be the future Buddha Maitreya. It is said the monk lived for 1,000 years. Whether the Laughing Buddha is a monk or the future Buddha, it is available in many poses that also include various symbols for specific luck and fortune. Many people believe it's good luck to rub the fat Buddha belly. With all the different poses available, you can select the right statue to use in any sector in need of an auspicious boost in good luck.

  • This statue also make an excellent gift for those you wish auspicious luck.
  • Don't place on the floor, or in a kitchen or bathroom.

Meaning of Laughing Buddha Statue With Pearls of Wisdom

The Laughing Buddha is often depicted wearing a string of pearls of wisdom. Some of these statutes also include him holding a ball or pearls, known as a wealth ball. There are several variations of this symbolic statue. Some include a standing or sitting Laughing Buddha holding a ball or pearl in each of his uplifted hands, a reclining pose with strings of pearls around his neck and one in his hand, etc.

  • This statue is an excellent choice for a meditation room or home office.
  • The statue with a wealth ball can be placed in your wealth sector or Southeast sector.
  • Place in the northeast sector (education/knowledge) to help with exams, special educational pursuits, and scholastic endeavors.
Laughing golden buddha wearing pearls

Meaning of Lucky Buddha Sitting on Money Toad

This Buddha pose features several good luck symbols, such as a Ruyi (sceptre), Fuk Lock Coin (Fuk god of harmony), and a string of prayer beads. The money toad sits on a bed of gold coins, ingots, and jewels. The symbolic meanings are first one of power (Ruyi) that is excellent for careers. The Fuk Lock Coin brings harmony and luck to finances, the prayer beads offer focus on the spiritual aspect of life, while the money toad is an excellent wealth icon.

  • These symbols bring happiness, wealth, and blessings and make this a great choice for a home or corporate office.
  • Place in an office or home will banish competition and their attempts to affect your career and life.
  • You can also place this Hotei in the southeast sector of your home or personal wealth sector based on kua number.
    Laughing Buddha on Money Frog
    Laughing Buddha on Money Frog

Meaning of Money Bags Traveling Buddha

Money bags traveling laughing Buddha depicts the monk with a large money bag slung over his back and holding a Wu Lou (gourd) that is a symbol of good health, healing, and longevity. The traveling Buddha is a very popular symbol used in feng shui applications, especially for afflicted areas that need a little boost in luck.

  • You can place this statue in the east sector of your home for family and health luck.
  • Place this statue in the southeast sector for wealth luck.
Money Bags Traveling Buddha

Standing Happy Buddha Statues Meanings

The standing pose Buddha is nicknamed "Happy" since he is laughing with his hands lifted above his head as though in celebration. This pose is also called Jolly Hotei. The statue often features a gold ingot or a ball held above its head or one in each open palm. Happy brings wealth and of course, happiness. Many people practice rubbing a laughing Buddha statue's oversized belly for good luck.

  • Set this statue in the southeast wealth to attract wealth luck
  • You can also place this statue sector or north career sector.
Standing Happy Buddha

Five Children With Laughing Buddha

This statue focuses on children, specifically five children to represent a large healthy and happy family. Feng shui applications use this statue pose to attract good luck and blessings to a home and especially luck for the children in the family. It's also a symbol of creativity and the abundance of a full and happy life.

  • Place in the west sector (descendent's luck) to attract good luck for the children in a family.
  • The joy and spirit of children imbues creativity that's enhance by placing in the west sector.
5 Children with Laughing Buddha

Chinese Fat Buddha With Money Bag and Fan Meaning

The Laughing Buddha statue featuring the monk walking with a money bag and carrying a fan is often used for auspicious travel and those desiring a wish to be granted. The bag once more is a symbol of money, or it can symbolize collecting woes and cares to carry away from the person. The fan is an ancient symbol known as the Oogi that translates to wish giving or granting. Historically, it was carried by the Chinese aristocracy as a message to their tenant farmers the granting of any requests they made. This statute is used for a wish granting symbol. Set it in the appropriate sector related to have unfulfilled wishes

  • This statue is believed to protect travelers. It can be used in a vehicle on the dashboard.
  • Fan your troubles away by placing this statue in any afflicted sector.

Other Placements for Smiling Buddha Statues

In addition to placing specific types of Laughing Buddha statues in certain locations, there are instances when almost any laughing statue will work in other rooms in your home for great luck. Select a laughing Buddha pose that appeals to you and use it. The places you can use the statue include:

  • Windfall of money: Place your favorite laughing Buddha in the main entrance/foyer, bedroom, or dining room for a windfall of money luck.
  • Income boost: Set a laughing Buddha in the main entrance area or north sector of a home office for earned income luck.
  • Work harmony: Place a laughing Buddha on your office desk to ensure harmony among coworkers.
  • Good travels: Protect your travels with a laughing Buddha set on the vehicle dashboard. This will also ensure you only bring good news and luck home from your travels.
  • Education luck: Students can place a laughing Buddha statue on their desk to achieve their scholastic goals.

Lucky Buddha Statues

Decide which symbols used in a Laughing Buddha statue best represent your situation, wishes, or needs and then select the appropriate one. Place the statue in the luck sector you wish to activate and enjoy abundant wealth and blessings.

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Meaning of the Laughing Buddha Statue in Feng Shui