The Wu Lou gourd is a powerful feng shui remedy you can use for several feng shui afflictions. When you identify a feng shui problem area in your home or office, you can apply the Wu Lou feng shui cure.
What Is a Feng Shui Wu Lou?
A feng shui Wu Lou is often called a gourd or Calabash. The translation for Wu Lou is "giver of life."
Various Meanings of Feng Shui Wu Lou
The Wu Lou is a symbol of abundance, health, longevity, and wealth. You can use it in any sector of your home or office to attract specific luck energies. Many Wu Lou products have various Chinese characters or images for specific purposes, so be sure you understand the meaning before choosing one.
Wu Lou to Prevent Illness and Premature Death
The feng shui Wu Lou is renowned for being a protector of early death and remedy for illness. If you are ill, you can place a brass Wu Lou on your bedside table to attract auspicious and healing chi energies. To guard against premature death, place a jade Wu Lou in your health sector or wear on as a necklace or bracelet charm. You may prefer to carry one in your purse or on a keyring.
Wu Lou for Wealth Symbol
The Wu Lou is one of the eight feng shui treasures, which makes it a perfect wealth symbol. The Wu Lou shape is also considered one ideal for the accumulation of wealth since the mouth (top) is narrow and the bottom lobe is wider. The top of some Wu Lou objects are designed to open and allow you to place either real or symbolic objects, such as coins, ingots, and other symbols of wealth.

Wu Lou Cure for Flying Star #2
A brass Wu Lou is commonly used in feng shui as a metal cure for the Flying Star #2, known as the illness star. The Flying Star #2 is an earth element. In the weakening cycle, metal weakens earth, making the metal Wu Lou an ideal feng shui remedy wherever the Flying Star #2 rests in your home.
Wu Lou Cure for Flying Star #5
The Flying Star #5 is the star of bad luck and misfortune. The Flying Star #5 is also an earth element, so you can safely use a metal Wu Lou to weaken these inauspicious chi energies and allow the auspicious chi to move into this area.
Wu Lou Made of Other Elements
In following the Five Element Theory in feng shui, you can also use the Wu Lou made of other elements, such as jade, rose quartz, and wood. Since the Wu Lou gourd is a symbol of abundance and good luck, you can place it in various sectors of your home using the assigned element.
Southwest Sector (Earth Element)
Southwest is the relationship and love luck sector. If you wish to activate these energies in your life, then you can use the southwest governing earth element. You can choose a Wu Lou made of stone, such as rose quartz, known for its romance and love energies. You can place the rose quartz Wu Lou in the southwest sector of your home or place it in the southwest corner of your bedroom.
West Sector (Metal Element)
West is your descendants luck sector and is ruled by the metal element. You can choose to add a brass or other metal Wu Lou in the west sector of your home to activate auspicious chi energy for your children's luck.
Northwest Sector (Metal Element)
Northwest is your mentor luck sector and is ruled by the metal element. If you wish to activate this area to attract an abundance of good luck, you can place a brass or other metal Wu Lou in this sector of your home or northwest corner of your office.
North Sector (Water Element)
North is your career luck sector and is ruled by the water element. The metal element attracts water, so you can use a brass or other metal Wu Lou in the north sector of your home or north corner of your office to attract an abundance of career luck.
Northeast Sector (Earth Element)
Northeast is your education luck sector and is ruled by the earth element. You can use a jade or other stone Wu Lou to activate the earth element while attracting an abundance of good luck for the northwest sector of your home of office. If you're a student, you can carry a stone Wu Lou to your classes and while you're studying. You can find a Wu Lou are available as a charm, amulet, jewelry, and key chain fobs for easy personal use.
East Sector (Wood Element)
East sector rules your health luck and the east sector is governed by the wood element. You can place a real Wu Lou gourd or use a manufactured wood one in the east sector of your home or office to enjoy an abundance of health luck. You may also wear a wooden charm or carry a wood Wu Lou keychain fob for personal feng shui.

Southeast Sector (Wood Element)
Southeast sector rules your wealth luck and is governed by the wood element. You can activate the wood element with a wood Wu Lou and attract an abundance of wealth.
South Sector (Fire Element)
South sector rules your recognition and fame luck and is ruled by the fire element. You can place a wood Wu Lou in this sector since the productive cycle finds wood fueling the fire element. You can place the Wu Lou in the south sector of your home or office. You can place a wooden Wu Lou in the southeast corner of your office to ensure your wealth sector is activated.
Wu Lou to Protect Against Evil
You can use an obsidian Wu Lou for warding off evil or people with ill-intents toward you. This combination of stone and symbol provides a whammy effect to anyone wishing to cause you any kind of harm, be it through gossip, career sabotage or other negative intent.
How to Use an Obsidian Wu Lou
You can wear an obsidian Wu Lou piece of jewelry or place the Wu Lou on your desk in front of you. The obsidian properties will reflect those negative intentions back to the person, manifesting in their lives the very thing they attempted to cause you.
Wu Lou Cure for Financial Problems
A jade Wu Lou is often recommended as a cure for financial problems. You can carry it in your purse or car, use it for keyring, bracelet charm, or pendant to attract wealth luck.
Wu Lou for Personal Growth
While the rose quartz Wu Lou is often used as a cure for romantic love relationships, it can also be used for personal growth. You can wear a rose quartz Wu Lou pendant or other jewelry to enhance your ability to be more understanding of other people and empathic to their emotional natures.
Heart Chakra Healing
This powerful feng shui Wu Lou allows your heart chakra to open wider. This is especially helpful if you are suffering from an emotional hurt or wound. The rose quartz Wu Lou can help you heal a broken heart.
Feng Shui Wu Lou Meaning and Placements
There are many ways you can use a Wu Lou in feng shui. Choose the sector you need to activate and be sure to use the assigned element for the best abundance and good luck.